13 Methods Of Educational Psychology.

link for the list of Methods Of Educational Psychology https://elitetaks.org.in/what-are-the-methods-of-educational-psychology/

1. Introspection Method:-

One of the oldest method of educational  psychology is Introspection method, and developed by Structuralists. The Introspection Method originated from two Latin words i.e. Intro and Spection , Intro means “with in” and spection means “looking or observing” which indicates looking or observing with in . As for simple explanation Rishi Munis used this method also through meditation. Meditation is to observe self or to get inside  one’s own mind. This  method is  also  known as  Subjective Observation Method.

merits :-

  • simple and readily available method
  • direct and immediate insight into ones own mental process
  • most economical method
  • can be used at any time and anywhere.


  • no reliability
  • hiding or telling lie has scope
  • cannot applied to children, animal & special people.
  • not universal applicable

2. Extrospection Method

  • to observe outside, to observe others.
  • to observe behaviour of others.
  • opposed/opposite to Introspection method.
  • specific & systematic method.
  • should be recorded at the time of observation that makes data more reliable.
  • can be observed many times by different observers.
  • can applied on all ages of children.

demerits:- data can be biased, depends upon observer.

a.  Observation Method

– its a visual method

– observe the pattern of behaviour

– record the observation very carefully immediately at the time of observation

– two ways to observe in observational method.

a. Artificial (controlled)

b. Natural (uncontrolled)

merits :-

  • more subjective & valid as compared to Introspection method.
  • flexible & economical method.
  • can be used to study the behaviour of children and anyone.


  • needs trained observers.
  • sometimes actual behaviour does not extracted
  • subject to kind of errors, sampling errors and observer side errors.

b.  Experimental Method

– most specific and objective method of studying behaviour.

– observe the behaviour of children under controlled situation , if its not done in controlled environment it’ll be not experimental.

3 variables required:-

1. Independent variable – ex. teacher, book, curriculum etc.

2. Dependent variable – ex. student, academic performance, marks etc.

3. Extraneous variable – ex, situation, environment etc. If extraneous variables not controlled then they should be managed.


  • most systematic & reliable method
  • objective and truthful
  • more verifiable and valid result.


  • control all the intervening variables
  • time consuming and costly method
  • completely controlled and rigid conditions.

3. Psycho-physical Method 

Father of  psycho-physics are still n vogue. Famous name for this method is ‘Gustav Fechner.

                                           psycho +  physical

                      psycho = sensation and perception 

                     Physical = light, sound, weight etc. 

                  method —> quantitative  relationship  between psycho and physics. 

example : like sound ,  minimum vol. which can be heard is Absolute threshold

maximum vol. which can be heard is easily is difference threshold

 methods of psycho-physical method

  1. methods of limits or methods of minimal changes.
  2. methods of constant stimuli
  3. method of average or mean error.


4. Differential or Survey Method

Differential or survey method is the method to study the pattern of a particular behaviour existing in a group of people.


  • If the sample is very wide , the result are reliable.
  • permits of comparison of individual
  • quick & economical method of collection of data.


  • incorrect sample survey will not yield correct results
  • question hours may not be returned

5. Clinical or Case – study Method or Diagnostic Method

In  this method normally, single person is observed , usually to diagnose & treat many kinds of physical and behavioral disorders . This method is used mostly for special children or in special cases for indepth study.  It includes both diagnosis and treatments which provide Guidance , Counseling , therapy etc.


  • gives a detail and exhaustive picture of individual.
  • used in diagnosis , so therapy can be suggested.


  • lengthy and costly
  • restricted scope only for individual cases
  • subjective of reports & interpretation

6. Correlation Method

Correlation Method is the method which describes the relationship between two or more variables fluctuates together .

3 types of correlation :-

  1.  Positive correlation = A positive correlation indicates both variables increases or decreases at the same time . A correlation coefficient close to +1.00 indicates .
  2. Negative correlation = A negative correlation indicates as the amount of one variable increases, the other  variable decreases and as the amount of one variable decreases, the other variable increases. A negative correlation coefficient close to -1.00 indicates.
  3. No correlation = It indicates that there is no relation between the two variables . 0/ zero indicates no relation.

merits :-

  • study behaviour in real life
  • highly efficient
  • include many different variables at once


  • no cause & effect relationship
  • not reliable & not accurate .

7. Longitudinal Method

Longitudinal Method observed some individuals over the study period. It measures moral , psychological & social aspect. In this method observer cannot conclude the behaviour in one or two incidence. Its a very long process ” itna ki psychologist b mar jata h dusre psychologist pura karte h theory ko”.

merits :-

  • variables are less
  • data is much sufficient
  • studies over long period that’s why , trustworthy


  • consumes a lot of time
  • costly
  • as it incudes long process, people drop out of study.

8. Cross – sectional  Method

This method studies or observes on  two groups or many or between two individual or many.  The result is here and now. This method take different infants of varying ages to determine the pattern of growth & development.


  • takes less time to conclude
  • inexpensive
  • can observe large group at a time


  • less reliable
  • bad health can change the behaviour

9. Interview

An interview can be Structured or unstructured where one  person/s ask questions and other person provides answers.

2 types of interview

  1. Structured interview also called controlled format where questions are prepared before hand.

  2. Unstructured Interview also called uncontrolled format where No question set is prepared , asked accordng to the situation.


  • face to face
  • test of truthness
  • body gesture can be observed
  • direct – to the point


  • not possible at large scale
  • time consuming
  • expensive

10. Questionnaire Method

This method is given by Socrates.

– Large scale survey / Research

this method includes a set of question papers which specify the preferences, attitude, intentions etc.  Least used in child development .

2 types of questionnaire method

              1. Close Ended Questions (objective) = ex – Yes/No —- forced choice,   –  MCQ – Leikert type,  – 11 possible options —- Thurston type

                2. Open Ended Question ( subjective ) 


  • obtained on large scale
  • less reliable
  • can be used in later childhood and adolescence


  • no flexibility
  • limited scope
  • less used in childhood

11. Projective Method

This method is given by Murray &  Morgan

➡️ 1st Projective  test – TAT ( Thematic Appreciation Test )

CAT ( Child Appreciation  Test )

➡️ Rorschach Ink Blot Test

➡️ Sentence Completion

➡️ Word Association

This method will be explained in the topic  Personality.

12. Anecdotal Method

This method is also known as Record  Method

Anecdotal Method or Record  Method  is similar to case study  method  but in this , records should be maintained  and information  in a written  form.


  • Reliable
  • Used for all


  • Limited  scope

13. Socio – Metric  Method

This method is given by J.L.Moreno (1934)

Socio-metric method  is used to examine social relationship on behaviour of children. Moreno had conducted  research  to know about self-esteem among children & thereafter it is used to study different types of social relations.


  • Observe  social behavior


Used less in child development.

These all are the methods of educational psychology.  Above explanation will help a person to analyze the behaviour of children by different ways. Going to help students who are preparing for exam of educational psychology .

















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