
Though I write Educational Psychology blogs but when I go into this topic deeply I found other informative things which can help us in our life. In todays competitive world , we forget to live life easily, I am telling you guys life is such a beautiful journey, please steal some time from your busy schedule and do that makes you smile as I am smiling while writing. I love writing blogs that’s the reason I’m stealing time from my busy schedule.

how a student should manage stress

Students need to learn how to deal with stress to stay healthy and do well in school. Stress management is…

12 months ago

How to live healthy life ?

The mental and emotional well-being of an individual is just as important as their physical well-being when it comes to…

12 months ago

Best Schools Of India

The Gurukul System is the oldest educational system in use and which has a long history of learning in India.…

1 year ago

Psychological Facts about Study

Avoid Rote Learning, instead of Mugging Up the topics try to understand and visualizes in mind. According to psychology, constructive…

1 year ago

How to become a Primary Teacher (PRT)

A teacher plays an important role in the society. It is impossible to imagine a society without a teacher. From…

1 year ago