Connectionist or Behaviorist  Theories – TRIAL & ERROR THEORY OF LEARNING

Trial and Error Theory

Given by :- EDWARD L. THORNDIKE( also known as Father of Educational Psychology)

Experiment on :- Chickens, Rats and Cats.

Words of Thorndike sir – ” He said learning is incremental & increased by practice not insightful”.


  • Not appropriate for all Age group 
  • Time Consuming , Teacher have limited time & Trial and error takes more time.
  • Trial and Error brings challenges but only gifted children like to take challenges again & again. Average students gets demotivated in many trails.
  • Schools have rigid curriculum , sometimes its not possible to follow Trial & Error Method.
  • Not  suitable for all subjects.
  • Can be used for sports & algebra.
  • In order to teach effectively,  teacher has to prepare the learner – Law of Readiness
  • In learning,  teacher should identify relevant topics those which to be remembered for longer period of time and irrelevant topics if in case forgotten can’t affect learning.  Strengthen the links or connections between Stimulus and Response between those topics which has to be remembered for longer period of time through drill, repetition and reward and vice-versa
  • learner should be encouraged to do task independently but energy should not be wasted by proceeding blindly.

Thorndike’s law of learning

Primary laws  Secondary laws
   – The Law of Readiness    – Law of multiple response or varied reaction
   – The Law of Effect    – Law of attitude
   – The Law of Exercise    – Law of analogy
   – Law of associative shifting


Law of Readiness

If the child is ready to learn , she/ he learns quickly, effectively and with great satisfaction rather if not ready. This shows that not to force child to learn if she/he is not ready to learn.

Now the question is how to make child ready for learning? The simplest way to bring energy or enthusiasm in students for learning is ” By raising questions related to the topic”. By raising questions child starts thinking ,it also brings curiosity to know the answer. Teacher have to create a question mark in mind of student.

Law of Effect

Learning can be said to have taken place properly when it results in satisfaction and the learner derives pleasure from it. 

On the other hand, when the child meets failure or is dissatisfied, the progress of learning is blocked.

pleasant experience from learning – remembered for long time

unpleasant experience from learning – decrease the degree of its effectiveness

Reward results in – encourages the child to proceed with increased intensity & enthusiasm.

Punishment results in – discourage the child to proceed, but sometimes helpful in the breaking of undesirable habits.

Law of Exercise

Practice makes perfect. The Law of Exercise is the basis of practicing the topic to develop a memory. Teacher uses drill to retain the topic for longer time and avoids the practice or drill for  less important topics. It brings law of use and disuse.

Law of use :-  ‘strengthening of a connection with practice’. In the  process of learning teacher should identify which topics are to be remembered, strengthen the links or connections between stimulus and response of things which to be remembered through drill,  repetition and reward.

Law of disuse :-‘ weakening of connection or forgetting when the practice is discontinued’. In the process of learning teacher weakens the link or connection between stimulus and response of things which are not important to be remembered through disuse of drill.

Secondary laws

Law of multiple or varied reactions

When an individual comes in contact with new situation she\he responds in a variety of ways, tries in many ways before arriving at correct one.

Law of attitude

Learner performs the task properly if she\he has developed a health attitude towards the task.

Law of analogy

Individual responds to a new situation on the basis of the responses made by her\him in similar situations in the past, i.e. she\he make response by comparison and analogy

Law of associative shifting

Any response which is possible can be linked with any stimulus .

Above is the explanation of Trial & Error Theory of learning , if u guys want a list of theories of learning which are important in field of learning theories can click here am trying to provide you precise notes which you can understand easily and can add up to your notes. If somewhere you feel the content helpful do let me know through your comments as it motivates me to write further. I got success from my handwritten notes now dust is gathering on my notes that’s the only reason I started writing them online so that I can help someone.



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