What are Learning Theories

Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of reinforced practice. 

  • Learning is a process not product.
  • It includes all those experiences and training of an individual which help her/him to produce  changes in his behavior.
  • Learning prepares for any adjustments and adaptation that may be necessary.
  • Learning is purposeful and goal oriented.
  • Scope of learning is too wide , covers nearly all  fields  – conative, cognitive and affective of human behavior
  • Never ending process

There are 2 types of learning theories 

1. Connectionist or behaviorist  theories

2. Cognitive  theories

Connectionist or behaviorist  theories

  • Trial & Error learning theory  by Thorndike
  • Guthrie’s continuity theory of learning
  • Theory of classical conditioning by Ivan Pavlov
  • Theory of operant conditioning by B.P. Skinner
  • Hull’s drive reduction theory

Cognitive theories

  • Theory of Insightful learning by Kohler or Gestalts
  • Lewin’s field theory of learning
  • Tolman’s sign learning
  • Information processing theory
  • Gagne learning theory
  • Bruner – constructivist theory
  • Kolb’s experiential learning theory
  • David Ausbel learning  theory

There are many theories practiced in educational psychology , but from exam point of view as such B.ED, TET, CTET, PRT etc. or for general understanding above theories will be explained in new post. If explained here, it will create confusion and becomes long-winded. 
















I am a teacher, I have a passion to learn new things. Teacher always shares authentic information.

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