Learning Theories – Explain

Theory of Operant Conditioning

Theory of Operant Conditioning is the theory of learning which comes in the category of Behaviorist or Connectionist Theories. There are two categories of learning theories namely, Behaviorist or Connectionist Theories and other is Cognitive Theories. Other name for Operant Conditioning theory is R – Type Conditioning. 

Propounded by :- B.F. Skinner

Experiments on :- Rats & Pigeons

Learner is Active

Skinner’s Experiment

”Skinner-box” =  Its a box of experiment where he put animal with stimulus surrounded by lever and records the responses. He puts animal in a box surrounded by levers. Whenever the animal (accidently or incidentally) push the lever, they were rewarded. Other parameter is if they pressed the lever with  more strength they got more food to eat or reward higher.

More Strength ➡️More Food


Skinner revolted against no stimulus, no response mechanism  in the evolution of behaviour. He argued that in practical situation in our life, we cannot always wait for things to happen. Skinner considers an operant  as an act which constitutes an organism doing something e.g.  raising head, walking about,  pushing a lever etc.

Skinner recognizes two type of reinforces –

Positive Reinforcement :- praise, grades, medals, positive gesture & other prizes

Negative Reinforcement :- negative gesture , demotivation phrases & other similar things


  • In a daily routine ,teacher can use operant conditioning ex. for good handwriting reward student by giving one star and if he improves more- reward him again.
  • Training process and environment so as desire as to create minimum frustration and the maximum satisfaction in a learner to provide him with proper reinforcement for the desire learning.
  • Applied in behavior modification ,wait until the desired behavior occurs and immediately reward him when it does.
  • Verbal praise ,positive facial & hand expression, etc.
  • He made CAI ➡️ Computer Associated Instruction.

Theory Of Classical conditioning

Theory of Classical Conditioning is the learning theory which comes is in the category of Behaviorist or Connectionist Theories. There are two categories of learning theories namely, Behaviorist or Connectionist Theories and other is Cognitive Theories. Other name for Classical Conditioning theory is ”S – Type Conditioning”. 

Propounded by :- Ivan Pavlov (Russian Psychologist )

Experiments on :- Dog

Learner is Passive

Pavlov’s Experiment


Pavlov spent his whole life researching digestive absorption, he used mostly dogs as objects for study. In this process of experiment, he realized new significant results. When he was observing ”the function of Saliva”, he analyzed that dog’s salivation occurs with the sound of footstep. In his experiment , Pavlov showed a piece of bread to dog before feeding. After sometime , Pavlov observed the dog started salivating before it had seen food, However Pavlov wanted to know, if it is possible to train an animal to salivate on command . During the experiment, Pavlov rang a bell right before feeding a dog. After sometime it started salivating the moment dog heard the bell ringing. Pavlov called this experiment conditioned reflex, as it requires some training.


Unconditional reflexes are natural reactions of an organism that don’t need training like breathing, blinking, swallowing, hearing, etc.

Conditional reflexes needs training to occur like driving, writing, cooking, eating with hands properly, etc.

It is a learning process where by an artificial or conditioned stimulus is able to function like a natural stimulus when both natural and artificial stimuli are presented together.

In this kind of learning Association plays a major role since the individual responds to an artificial stimulus because he associated it with the natural stimulus.


Teacher should use this method occasionally, not in daily basis. Giving rewards daily is not possible.

For any particular behavior outcome or activity like competition, scholarship, good handwriting etc.

This blog will surely help you to solve some of your queries related to learning theories.  For other queries click here:- https://elitetaks.org.in/connectionist-or-behaviorist-theories-trial-error-t Good Luck for your dreams, As Mr. Sundar Pichai Sir said‘It is important to follow your dreams & heart. Do something that excites you”.















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