Psychological Facts about Study

  • Avoid Rote Learning, instead of Mugging Up the topics try to understand and visualizes in mind. According to psychology, constructive approach should be followed.
  • Focus should be on Direct Purposeful Learning which means that through images a person can study far better in comparison to Text.
  • It is advisable to make time table for short period of time like for 14 or 15 days and paste that time-table above your study table. As their is several other factors which affect long duration planning.  Try to follow time table for at least 80% times.
  • Daily in the morning, plan your topics to be covered for that day, and paste in front of your eyes during studying.

  • Before start studying, close your eyes and imagine the chapter and topics to be covered so that you can energies your mind and avoid any distraction.
  • Good source of diet does matter. It is proven by research  that children who eat fruits in their diet have improved IQ than others. Foods like fruits, curd, dry fruits and proteins rich foods. Also kept hydrate yourself. Fruits helps you to increase your memory power.
  •  No one can study with full concentration more than 30 minutes so it is advisable to take short breaks in regular intervals. With this you can study long hours.
  • Whenever you want to study big topics it is better to split that topics in smaller sections. In psychology this is known as chunking.
  • Aha! Moments  – If you stuck at somewhere in your topics, then leave it there only, it will be served later using Eureka effect, which means some times we got sudden thoughts of solutions know as Eureka effects (also known as Aha! moments).

  • You heard about curves, It sometimes go down and then up, This same happens with life and mind. Sometimes a person feels extra motivated to study and sometimes motivation just disappears. It’s natural and happens with every student.
  • Though young generation may not believe in Vaastu culture, but we suggest you to sit facing east direction when you study or if convenient set your study table in east direction.
  • Try to make your 60% Notes in day time and try to revise the same notes on same day, this helps you to memorize easily.
  • Family of blue color helps to increase focus, outcome of researcher of this field, For this you can use Blue highlighter.
  • Before going to sleep, invest your 10 to 20 minutes in reading your favorite’s books, which gives you good feeling and helps you to relax. 
  • It is considered that dark chocolates helps you to be on high concentration.
  • Students take coffee or Luke warm water at night which helps in to avoid sleepiness.

This blog will surely help you to solve some of your queries about study. Good Luck for your dreams, As Mr. Sundar Pichai Sir said‘It is important to follow your dreams & heart. Do something that excites you”.



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