Schools of thoughts in psychology

Psychology as a subject separated from biology and philosophy, earlier it was studied as a science. The first school of thought was advocated by the founder of first psychology lab, W. Wundt. Follows in brief the schools of psychology, Click Here  which helps you to understand the list of schools of psychology. School of psychology helps you to analysis the learning and behavior needs of children and adolescents.

1. Structuralism

  • Founder of structuralism – William Wundt


First lab established in 1879 in Leipzig in Germany by Sir William Wundt that’s also the reason he’s known as father of psychology and father of experimental psychology.

*** In INDIA first lab established in 1916 in Calcutta ( now kolkata) by NN SENGUPTA.

In structuralism school of psychology, the word “Structuralism” is given by William Wundt ‘s student Edward B. Titcher. William Wundt invented Introspection method one of the oldest method .

extra : student of sir Titcher named Washburn was first female who done PHD in psychology, She wrote a book – The Animal Mind(1908). CLICK HERE :

2. Functionalism

Founder of Functionalism – William James


” Consciousness is a continuous flow

the mind is constantly weaving associations, revisiting experiences and making connections. Theory of mental life and behavior that is concerned with how an organism uses it’s perceptual abilities to function in it’s environment.

Book- ‘ Principles of Psychology (1890)’ CLICK HERE

William James gave The Theory of Mental life and behavior. He applied study of psychology in terms of adjustment of organism to its environment.

extra – student of Sir William James , ‘Whiton Calkins’ she wrote a book – An Introduction to Psychology (1901) She was the first female chairperson of APA ( American Psychological Association).

3. Psycho- Analysis

  • Founder of Psychoanalysis – Sigmund Freud


Sigmund Freud was a physiologist and influential thinker of the early twentieth century. He presented a new dimension in field of psychology. Freud believed that events in our childhood have a great influence on our adult lives , shaping our personality.

Important works of Freud:-

Unconscious Mind: This is a Topographic model which includes Conscious mind , Sub-conscious mind and Unconscious mind which is that the mind is a reservoir of thoughts, memories, and emotions.

Personality: This is a psychic model made up of three elements the id (pleasure principle), the ego ( reality principle), and the super ego ( morality principle).

Life and death instinct: He gave the word libido which includes life instinct and death instinct. Life instinct is Eros indicates towards sexual procreation, survival and pleasure. Death instinct is Thanatos indicates towards aggression, self-harm and destruction.

Psychosexual development: There are five stages of growth in which personality and sexual selves evolve. These phases are the Oral stage ( birth-1yr), Anal stage (1-3yrs), Phallic stage(3-6yrs), Latent stage(6-puberty), and Genital stage(puberty-death)

Mechanisms of defense: Freud suggested that people use defense mechanisms to avoid anxiety. These mechanisms include Rationalism, Regression, Projection, Compensation, Sublimation, Displacement, Repression, Suppression, Denial, Day-dreaming, Identification, and Reaction formation.

extra: book – The Interpretation of Dream (1900). click here:

4. Behaviorism

  • Founder of behaviorism – John B. Watson



Behaviorism assumes that a learner is essentially passive, responding to environment stimuli. He believes that a learner starts out with a clean slate, and behaviour is shaped by positive and negative reinforcement. He conducted experiment on Little Albert. It is also known as Black box theory.

book – • Psychology From The Standpoint Of A Behaviorist

• Psychological Care Of Infant And Child

5.Gestalt Psychology

  • Founder of Gestalt Psychology – Wertheimer, Kohler, Kofka, and Kurt lewin.

Gestalt psychology has been extremely influential in the area of sensation and perception. The word gestalt literally means form or pattern, but its use reflects the idea that the whole is different from the sum of its part. It suggests that taking an immediate decision and behaving accordingly.

● Experiment on Chimpanzee ” Sultan ”

Book:- Principles Of Gestalt Psychology (1935). CLICK HERE:

6. Cognitivism

  • Founder of Cognitivism – Miller and Bruner


In this system , whatever is conveyed through stimuli in environment is the ‘input’. The Cognitive functioning of the human mind is the ‘process’, and result of cognitive functioning is ‘output’ or the ‘product’. It study man’s thinking, memory, language development and other mental process. It is also refer as White Box Theory.

● Book:- The Process Of Education. CLICK HERE

7. Humanism

  • Founder of Humanism – Carl Roger
  • Spiritual Father of Humanism – Abraham Maslow

In Humanism , Carl Roger gives more value to human being by not considering him merely as a sophisticated machine or a victim of conflict between ego and Id.

Book :- Humanistic Psychology. CLICK HERE

Books which will surely help students to achieve their dreams.





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